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Peppanet Rolls/Buns


28 Rolls


2 Cup Warm Water

1 Cup Oil

1 Cup Milk

2 Eggs

1 tsp Pepper

1/4 tsp nutmeg

1/4 tsp ground cloves

2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp Cinnamon

1/4 Cup Sugar

1/2 tbsb Instant Yeast

8 Cups Flour


Mix 2 packages of Jello Powder + 1/2 Cup sugar

Cherry + Raspberry Jello


•Warm liquids to 110°F (no hotter)

•Add eggs to the liquid

•Mix spices in a separate container

•Mix everything together.

•add in 4 Cups of Flour

-incorporate well

•Mix in the rest of the Flour (1 Cup at a time)

•Soft Dough

•Cover and Rise - Double in Size

~ Rolls:

•Roll dough into rectangle

•Spread on Whipping Cream

•Sprinkle Jello mixture

•Roll together - long side

•Cut into 1.5" Rolls

•Place in Baking Pan (sprayed, buttered or foiled)

~ Buns:

•Weigh the dough if desired

- 55g each

•Roll around to get it smooth

•Place in a baking pan, sprayed, buttered or foiled

Buns or Rolls:

•Preheat oven to 325°F

•Cover and let Rise for 30 min

•Brush on Whipping Cream

•Sprinkle on Jello Powder mix

•Cover and let Rise 30 min

•Brush on Whipping Cream again

•Sprinkle on more Jello Powder mix

•Cover, rise for 20 min

•Bake at 325° for 20 - 25min

- until internal temperature reaches 200°F

Cool & Enjoy

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