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to many to count


1 Cup Sugar

1 Cup Syrup

1 Cup Margarine

1/2 tsp Ground Cloves

1/4 tsp Ginger

1/2 tsp Cinnamon

1/4 tsp Nutmeg

1/4 tsp Black Pepper

2 Eggs

1/4 Cup Old Milk or Buttermilk

1/2 tsp Baking Soda

4 Cups Flour

* Dough is a sticky consistency

* needs to be refrigerated over night before rolling


- In a pot, mix in Sugar, Syrup, Margarine, spices (don't add the baking soda to the pot)

- Heat up until everything is melted and we'll incorporated.

- let cool

- add the rest of the ingredients, incorporate very well

- this will give you a cookie dough consistency.

- line a bowl with a bag or plastic

- add the dough to the bowl, cover or tie bag.

- chill in the fridge overnight

- take out the dough after chilling over night

- divide dough, rolls best when cold.

- sprinkle some flour on your Hands to roll.

- roll into thin logs

- place on Parchment in a cookie sheet

- freeze logs (cuts better when frozen)

- Preheat oven to 360°

- cut frozen logs into small circles about 1/2 cm roughly

(Thicker will take longer to bake, to thin will burn them very easily)

-place Peppernuts circles on parchment paper on a cookie sheet, make sure to leave space in between each one, they do spread a little bit.

-Fill a cookie sheet and bake for 8-10 min. Keep a eye on it, you want them just golden brown.

*Take 1 or 2 frozen logs out at a time, leave the others in the freezer while you cut and bake the first batch.

- Cool completely before storing in a bag or airtight container.

- they freeze well


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