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Mazapan Rolls

Mazapan - Candied Peanuts





• 2 Cups of Milk, heated to 170°F,  then cool to 100°F temperature* see note

• 1 TBSP Yeast

• 1 TBSP Sugar

• 1/2 Cup Water

• 1/4 Cup Oil

• 3/4 Cup Sugar

• 1/2 tsp salt

• 5-6 Cups of Flour


•1 Cup Margarine

• 1 Cup Brown Sugar

• 1 packet of Maizena, Pecan Flavor, or 1 TBSP corn starch mixed with 2 TBSP Water.

• 1/2 tsp vanilla

• 12 pieces of Mazapan, crumbled 

* scalding milk isn't crucial to the recipe but the whey protein in milk can weaken gluten and prevent the dough from rising properly. Scalding the milk deactivates the protein so this doesn’t happen.


- In a small saucepan over medium heat, add milk and heat until a skin forms on top of the milk, about 170 degrees.

Watch carefully to make sure the milk doesn't boil. Remove immediately from heat and cool to 110 degrees before proceeding.

- Mix Yeast, Sugar (1 tbsp), and Water set aside for 10 minutes or until foamy.

- In a large bowl, mix the Milk, Oil, Sugar, salt, and 3 Cups Flour. 

- Continue to mix in the rest of the Flour, 1 Cup at a time.

- Knead dough until everything is well incorporated.

- Cover and rise until doubled in size

- While the dough is rising, make the sauce


- Add ingredients to a small saucepan, turn heat to medium heat, and bring mixture to a boil while continuously stirring. Once boiling remove from heat, stir in the Maizena packet or cornstarch mixture and the Vanilla extract pour into a different container and let cool. It will thicken as it cools.

- Preheat oven to 350°F and prepare cookie Sheets by lining with them parchment paper.

- Once the dough has risen, sprinkle Mazapan on the rolling area instead of Flour and start rolling the dough into a rectangle. Keep it to about 1/2 inch thick. Spread on the Sauce and add Mazapan crumbs.

- Gently roll it up starting from the long edge, pinch the seam closed tightly, with a thread; slide the thread under the rolled dough and bring the thread together as you would making a knot, this will slice the dough without pressing down like a knife would. Cut each slice about 1 inch thick.

- Place Each roll into the prepared baking sheet.

- Bake at 350° F for 15 - 17 min. Until golden tops or internal temperature reaches 200°F

- Cool Completely before storing in an airtight container.


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